Pissed off!!😤


Okay ladies. I've stopped letting my 2 year old nap because she'd been going to bed anywhere from 2 am to 7AM!!!!!

She went to bed at midnight last night.

Today (yesterday? 1/31) was me and my boyfriend's 5 year anniversary, his grandma and mother watched the kids. I made it VERY clear, and it's been this way ALL WEEK, that she is not to nap. Because I'm trying to fix her schedule.

They let her nap.

It is now almost 3:00 in the morning, and she is still awake.

Is this too mean? Or am I right? This isn't the first time they've undermined me as a parent and think they have the right to as the grandmother and GREAT grandmother of the kids.

"Guess who's still awake. She was asleep by midnight last night. I don't care what your opinions on naps are. If I say no naps she gets no naps. I don't care how many hours of sleep you say she needs. She gets 12 hours sleeping from midnight to noon. I didn't take naps anymore at this age.

Please just respect ONE decision I make for the love of Christ. I don't care how many or how few kids you raised, it's not your decision on how much she sleeps.

I am her MOTHER. (Boyfriends) and my say is LAW when it comes to OUR CHILDREN. No ones authority is greater than ours when it comes to our children PERIOD. I don't care how old you are or what your personal feelings and opinions are. Feelings and opinions are nothing when you're not the parent. Keep opinions to yourself and follow instructions when it's not your child. If you are not able to do that we will find a sitter who can. I'm absolutely exhausted because she will not calm down.

And I don't want to hear about how fucked up their schedule is if no one else is helping fix it and just hinder any progress I've made. I figured it would've been clear that she didn't get a nap anymore when it's been like this for about a week.

I'm pissed off.

And you would've been too if there had been such a blatant disregard of your say as a parent that affected the schedule you are trying to instill and follow if it was affecting whether or not you can actually keep your job.

Rant over. Take from it what you will, but remember I'm her MOTHER. I'm not a teenager anymore. I'm not a child. You can treat me however you want, have whatever opinion of me you want, but for the love of god stop disrespecting me as a parent."