Is this a sign?

Please go into this with an open mind. I just started job searching for call center positions and was originally going to see if my old employer would take me back. Then I realized no, I was treated like shit and I left 2 years ago for a reason. So cox maybe Bank Of America? No real luck near me. And honestly it’s not something I want to do. I know Money is money but I’ve also been trying to get my realtors license for 2 years and I feel burnt out. I finished my schooling in one state and didn’t pass the national a few times, then moved to another state and my credits didn’t roll over. Had to redo class and didnt pass national either. Some girl was taking it for her 6th time. honestly it’s not my passion and I feel stressed cause once I get going my course expires or something costs $500, I was only going in it for the money honestly. I possibly would love the career if I wasn’t for the tests. I’ve tried to deny it, but my true passion is art and has been since I was little.

I might’ve lost some of you there but I’m already doing it. I’ve owned a business on Etsy for a year selling my art and yes I only made $3,000 that year but hell thats more than some others make and I celebrate that shit. I’m also a YouTube partner but haven’t uploaded in a month. Right now my parents are helping me financially as I let my ex drain me and get me into debt and he didn’t allow me to work for the years we were together. Anyways, I don’t really pray to god but more the Universe and I’d say I’m spiritual. In my journal and just in though I asked for guidance. It’s stressful being turned down for a part time job or not having what you’re Looking for available and my true love and passion, I feel I can’t voice that. My dream would be to create all day, get a manager, grow more of a fan base, host painting events/ teach techniques etc and continue to grow my shop.

So after asking I saw a post about how a grandma was driving and a kid dropped a paper clip in the car and started crying. She didn’t know they were going to get ice cream and probably wouldn’t have cared about the paper clip if she knew. Then the author mentioned how she’s the same way in life, throwing a tantrum over something not working out but yet God had something better waiting for her. Wow ok I heard that loud and clear. Then tonight I see this post on insta basically saying something similar. Is this a sign? And could this possibly mean that my true dreams of being an artist is manifesting and maybe I shouldn’t get down that the jobs I’m looking at keep rejecting me and that it’s ok to let go of real estate?

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I don't know if it's a sign. But I can tell you there are lots of starving artists out there. Don't give up on your dream. But meanwhile you need to figure out how to support yourself. If real estate isn't the answer, that's fine. Especially since it's not your passion. Maybe you would be happier working in child care where you can be more creative in directing children's growth and development. Maybe work for a lawn and garden company where you can install flower beds and create beautiful gardens where there were only weed patches before. Maybe look into being a cosmetologist or hair stylist. Some of these suggestions also require licensing. But at least the end result gives you a creative outlet. You're going to feel stifled and miserable in any job that doesn't allow for at least some creativity. So look at options that can offer you that.