I'm being pressured and made to feel like my opinions aren't valid


I need some advice and even some validation to know that I'm not the only one who feels like this. Please be kind as I am feeling rather sensitive at the moment 😢

I am being pressured by my SIL to let my 4month old son stay overnight with her. She brings it up at every opportunity and at first I was trying to ignore it so I didn't upset her but I now have told her I'm not ready to leave him to which she replied (in a very stern way) "You're going to have to get over it and do it eventually". I was there last night and she brought it up 5 or 6 times and each time I told her no. The last time I told her I wasn't ready again and she told me "Take as much time as you need then" as if she was doing me a favour.

I get I'm going to have to leave him eventually if something comes up e.g. In going into hospital to get my tonsils removed and if my husband cannot get time off work then my hand may be forced to get someone to watch him overnight but I'm not just going to pap my child off for a random night to let us "get a sleep" as she puts it. My son is up once during the night and it doesn't bother me. I genuinely feel like I'm being made out to be stupid and my feelings or opinion isn't valid.

She has a 4 year old who doesn't have her own room and shares a bed with her mum and dad so in all honestly I don't exactly feel comfortable with letting him stay.

Please say I'm not alone in this. I feel like I can't properly talk to my husband about it as he sees her as excited and just wants to help which I understand but I feel so frustrated about it. This is my first child and I want to spend as much time with him as possible before I go back to work.