Advice please.


About 2 am this morning 2/1 I started feeling a real sharp pain in my left pelvic area. I get the pain then about 1 to 5 min later I get another sharp pain. I have tried soaking in a hot bath and a heating pad it wont go away.

I am also having some vaginal pain like baby is trying to come out this pain is dull at first then goes away then about 5 min later it comes back but a bit of sharper pain.

I am also getting a dull pain that starts at the top of my belly area and then it moves down to my lower belly almost to my vaginal area. Once it reaches the lower belly part it hurts.

Even though this is my 3rd pregnancy I have never experienced this kind of pain.

I guess I just need to know if anyone else is experiencing this, am I going into labor, should i go to the hospital. I dont want to waste a trip to the hospital if this is normal at 38 weeks.


So the pain I was having in my belly has stopped for now. The sharp vaginal pain is gone for now as well.

I am still having the left side pelvic pain and lower back pain.