Can I close my Checkings and savings with an overdrafted credit card?

I'm not working because I'm pregnant so I haven't been able to pay my credit card. Its $300 over Balance because of late fees and interest and now I'm getting fees for having a savings account open with no money in it. Can i close my Checkings and savings account so that I'm not being charged anymore money just to have them. Will they let me do that with a credit card that has an overdue balance?


I'm not trying to close an account that's negative. Im trying to close my Checkings which has like 50 cents and I'm now being charged for having an empty savings which I also want to close. The only negative account I have is my credit card which is already closed since I havent payed it. I dont need anymore bank accounts and I highly doubt I'd be accepted with a closed credit card.


Thanks for the advice everyone. I'm going to go into my bank today and close my savings and keep my Checkings open just so I can pay my credit card off. I'll see if anything else can be worked out!