Birth story with baby #2!

Sabrina • 22. 3 MC. GMH 🌈♂️ 5.13.18 / LJH 🌈♀️ 1/29/20. Gestational Diabetes mom.

I was induced at 39 weeks exactly, I was so over pregnancy and gestational diabetes and I was being ready.. but my first came naturally so induction terrified me!

I got to the hospital at 5 am, was started on pitocin at 6:43 am, water broken at 8:20 am, epidural at 9:40 am, was 5.5cm at 11:40am started pushing at 1:14pm and at 1:19 pm she was here!

7 lb 9 oz & 20.5 in long 🌸

With only a second degree perineum tear, we’re both perfectly healthy and home recovering. My son (20 months) loves her to death and helps with her so much, and my heart is full 💗 Labor was so quick and easy I was so shocked! She was so ready!