6 children?

posting anon. just incase I get judgy comments, but does anyone have 6 kiddos? my oldest will be 9 in July. I'll have a 6yr old in March, a 5 year old in April, a 2 year old (turned 2 in December) & a 10 month old. just found out I'm pregnant & not sure if I should continue with this pregnancy. I'm surprisingly comfortable with finding out, with my last 2 I cried lol. we bought our house last spring, we both work. older 3 are in school. my parents help with the kids. he works mornings. 7am-5/7pm depending on how busy they are 4 days a week. sometimes 5 days a week for overtime. I work 4-5 days a week 4PM-1130pm. not sure what to do here & I dont have any friends to talk to & I'm not comfortable with talking to my parents because they tell everyone everyone's business 🤦‍♀️ they cant keep secrets if their lives depended on it lol. I know I have a little bit to think about it but would like thoughts. & to add yes I was on birth control, I switched to a new pill 2 months ago & didn't know that that could mess with it.