Baby acne vs food reaction


My son is just a bit over 6 months old. He has CMPI so we have always stayed clear of direct dairy. He's been and is still on hypoallergenic formula. He tried peanut butter at the doctors office and continued to have a little bit for a few days with no sign of a negative reaction. So, 4 days ago I decided to try almond milk yogurt with him. He really seemed to enjoy it!... Yesterday, day 3, I noticed what looked like pimples or an acne breakout on his chin and around his mouth. I gave him a tiny bit more this morning, but stopped after the second spoonful because I now saw what looks like baby acne all over his forehead and cheeks. It's a bunch of small bumps slightly red in color.

I don't know if this is baby acne coming back of if he is having a reaction to the almond milk.... And I know peanuts aren't tree nuts, but is it likely that he could not have a peanut allergy, but have a tree nut allergy?