I just miscarried


After my appointment for my first ultrasound the tech told me she couldn't find the sac so I got bloodwork done and have to wait for results but when I got home about an hr later yesterday I started having contraction like cramps and I have the urge to go pee so i go to the bathroom and there it was I just knew it was my baby , it was what it looked like the sac . I'm totally devastated after trying for 2 years after a 1 miscarriage and It happens again . I dont know what to feel or what to do , I'm emotionally drained and so sad. We already have a 7 yr old sweet boy but we really want another baby , I dont know if I wanna try anymore, its alot more painful this time around emotionally and physically. Positive vibes to everyone on here and prayers for happy and healthy pregnancies and babies . 🌈💔💔💔💔