So I’m on my period .. today is the first day of it..I took my NuvaRing out a few days ago... and this happened... what the hell? I never had a solid ass blood clot like this is this normal since I am on birth control? Should I go talk to my doctor? I was told it was uterine lining.. last period I had was in November due to birth control

UPDATE: I took a test it said negative. Still going to the dr. My friend that is a nurse recommended that I go bc it could be a early pregnancy loss I think she said chemical pregnancy and the HCG levels might be low due to that..She told me it most def looks like a miscarriage with the videos I sent but I am going to the dr to be sure. I am cramping and have been bleeding on and off and had pelvic pain. I was bleeding last night and felt all the blood coming out. I went to pee and I wiped all I saw was pink but now it’s back to red blood. I’ve been feeling blood come out since 1pm while I was at work. I will update again once I find out