11 day old - fingers !!

Hello, my little one is 11 days old and I am worried about the little bits of skin around her fingers. There is a bit around her thumb that looks to be a little sore and infected. I have added some pictures below.. (sorry for the poor quality) Can anyone offer any advice? I put a little bit of antiseptic sudocrem on it. Any reply would be appreciated - I am a worrier!

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If you are breastfeeding you can put a little bit of milk on it, my midwife and health visitor said it was a wonder drug haha. If not just go and ask the pharmacist but I would do the same as you and put sudocream on it


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My boy had this when he was newborn too, took him to the Dr's and got some cream which helped as some of the skin had got ingrown and was heading to the infected route but after a few days it went down


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Hi, this happened to my first baby a week or so after she was born. The doc prescribed antibiotic cream and it went away quickly. Apparently it's very common...


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My little one had this too, I kept meaning to ask the midwife but forgot. I didn't put anything on it and it went away on its own x