Painful night

It's currently 4am here and I've been up for an hour in the worst pain I've ever felt.

They think i might have endometriosis, this had been going on for 7 months so surely if I had it I would of had pain like this before. I go to a gyno about it in 2 days (theyve been booked out as his a popular one, otherwise i would of went sooner)

I definitely know I have Cysts on my ovaries but I don't have PCOS and hopefully I find out soon about endometriosis.

I've taken the 2 lots of pain meds my gp prescribed and normally they helped but they havent. Ive taken a second lot and still nothing.

I can't stop crying, I just want the pain to end.

Is there anything else I can do?

I know you all aren't doctors but I'm hoping if any of you have been through something similar that you can tell me how you got through it.

I normally have a high pain tolerance but the past 3 months the pain is getting worse, if it gets any worse than what it is I honestly couldn't bare to take it 😭