Help an aspie girl get a date!


I have high functioning autism and I have a hard time with flirting/dating. There is a man I have a crush on who owns a record shop I frequent and I finally got up the nerve to have a conversation with him beyond our usual pleasantries when I’m buying something. He introduced himself and asked me some personal questions like my name and what I do for a living. He told me about an after hours performance at his shop, I went to it and he seemed excited that I showed up but we didn’t interact otherwise. He’s really sweet but I have no way to gauge whether it’s just him being nice to a customer or if he has additional interest. I don’t even know if he’s single or straight. I know this isn’t a lot of data (and honestly I’m not sure whether it’s appropriate to pursue this anyway since he is at work). What would you all do? What would the neurotypical approach be? Bearing in mind I have difficulty with flirting and can’t really read if someone is flirting with me.