You know your due date week is here/near when...

You wake up every day convinced TODAY is the day! (Hopeful)

You wash and do your hair just in case baby comes so you’re all ready

You ignore <a href="">Glow app</a> annoying question on main page “has your baby been born yet?”

You respond to your parents/friends/family text messages AGAIN asking if you’ve had the baby yet (because they are more impatient than you and forget how many times you’ve told them you WILL text them when it happens)

You clean your house again so everything is perfect

You feel a few contractions and psych yourself up. Maybe even tell your partner!

You do your labor rituals including evening primrose, dates, sex, nipple stimulation, red raspberry leaf tea, yoga ball bouncing and walking. Convince yourself it helps.

You have an audible conversation with your baby bump and beg them to please come out today!

You get further along in the day and then convince yourself that it isn’t the day. Nothing is happening. You’re bummed.

Go to sleep finally after googling “is labor near” for the 10000x time and wake up and repeat!!!

At least that’s me 😂😫🤷🏻‍♀️

Here’s to everyone due soon and hope your babies come quick and are healthy and happy.