

I’ve been complaining about my baby for the past 15 weeks about her being diagnosed with IBS, a severe milk allergy, from trying so many formulas and being on Elecare and Puramino, to trying everything off the shelf even adult IBS meds that didn’t work. Today, I did the two things my gut kept telling me - switched to RTF Nutramigen formula (it has less soy/dairy if at all and less sugar than the powder) and switched from the dr browns wide neck to the regular kind (she has a horrible latch and the smaller kind she doesnt seem to suck in air) and GUYS. THEY WORKED. she had her first feeding in over 15 weeks without screaming/squirming/fussing!!!! I could cry!!! I knew I should’ve listened to my gut in the first place. I felt so annoying researching and asking every question but I knew something wasn’t right. The dr literally said there was nothing I could do she would just grow out of it but I couldn’t just sit back. I felt her tummy was just sensitive and couldn’t tolerate the acidic amino acid formulas, and surprise surprise. Sorry for the rant but I’m just over the MOON right now for my baby 😭😭😭 thank you to everyone for your advice and everything!!