Oh my goodness

Oh my goodness. Where do I begin? Me and my husband had been trying to conceive for 2.5 years. We visited a fertility specialist who told us she didn’t think we would need <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>, and that it was probably stress.
That’s where Glow comes in.
I had been using a different app, when I found Glow. I figured I would give it a shot. Several months later, I got my positive pregnancy test - WITHOUT any medical intervention!!!! It turns out, the other app was charting my ovulation window off by a week! Glow was SPOT ON!!!
On January 27, 2020, I gave birth to our perfect little boy.
I am eternally grateful for Glow and HIGHLY recommend this app to friends and family, and anyone trying to conceive!!!! Thanks again, Glow!!!!