Meeting the parents


So my bf and I have been daiting for three months....I have known him for 10 years since I was 13...I always liked him but never said anything and he was the same...6 years ago we lost connections and haven’t talked until a year ago and we finally told each other how we he wants me to meet his parents (even though I have seen his mom once or twice years ago) it will be to actually meet them as a gf but there is one BIG problem...I was married....I got a divorce and with my ex husband we had a daughter is almost bf now is amazing with her and he accepts her as if she was his own (her biological father really doesn’t care much abandoned us when she was only 2 months) so I am afraid of meeting his parents because they know I was married and I have a child....I’m scared to think that I won’t be good enough since I was already married and my marriage didn’t even last a year....I’m afraid that they won’t like me at all so it’s been hard for me to build up the courage to meet them....I really don’t know what to do I feel like I’m not good enough for their son...(also I will be the first girl ever to be introduced as his gf, all his past relationships has never meet his parents) I will be the first so it’s a lot of pressure....any advice???