IUI treatment & timing

Quyen • Diagnosed with Unexplained infertiity.

So I had posted earlier today that I got a positive ovulation test this morning and called my nurse to inform her. She changed my scheduled <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> from Thursday, to tomorrow. My thing is she didn’t want me to come in today to check and see how big my follicles are or where my lining is at. She said since I had a positive opk, there was no need for a mid cycle scan.. our first <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> we did on CD 14. Tomorrow is CD 9 or 10... so it’s 4 days earlier this month. I didn’t use an ovulation test last month but had a trigger shot so I’m not sure when I ovulated. Do y’all think it would still be okay to continue <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> without scan this month? Or should I push her to look? We just want to make sure she’s doing things right since we are paying out of pocket

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Posted at
No that’s standard protocol. If you got a positive OPK, your body is going to ovulate whatever’s in there and it’s too late to stop it. My clinic did iui next day after positive OPK but two days after trigger shot. You’re fine-dont worry!


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My place charges for every scan, which is around $120, so the nurse may be trying to save you money. Tell the nurse this is important to you and you’re willing to pay.


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I think they need to mk sure the follicle is big enough I had a scan on Saturday it didn’t meet size went bk on Monday n one was 18 the other was 16 they did trigger shot on Monday night n iui Wednesday


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I would definitely be asking for a scan. If your follicles aren’t big enough it won’t matter and it will be a waste of money to do the IUI.