I’m moving on, baby!

Marissa • Mom to Hezekiah 10/23/17 (🌈) & Noah 2/8/20 (🌈) Baby #3 due 3/27/22

Currently 38w3d. Today I started bagging up the maternity clothes I won’t be using in the next few weeks for donation/selling, hung up my regular clothes, & overall started preparing for when baby is here. (I’ve only gained 15lbs & with my first I gained similarly & was back to postpartum weight within a few days, so I’m sure I’ll be able to fit my looser clothes pretty quickly)

I’m over being pregnant (this pregnancy has been SO much harder than the one with my firstborn!) & getting ready for life after this chapter gets me more excited for when our last little man is here. We also are planning on traveling in a tiny home within the next couple years so embracing minimalism. Purging my closet is bringing me joy 💖