Uterine prolapse? Sorry TMI

How’s everyone’s vaginas doing? I’m 6 weeks postpartum, I hadn’t really looked or felt things down there since the birth since it was pretty traumatic- I had a very large baby. Haven’t had sex yet as episiotomy site is tender and sensitive, though it feels healed. Today I finally took a look and I can see tissue at the opening of my vagina, it’s not coming out but like covering the hole. It feels like a big bulge that definitely wasn’t there before and my cervix feels very low. I haven’t had any bladder problems but had bowel incontinence for weeks after birth. 😣 I’m waiting to see my dr to assess it because no one actually checked me down there. Not sure if I have a uterine prolapse maybe or just normal swelling? This is my first baby and I’m worried about it affecting ttc or future pregnancies. Anyone else had to deal with this. I’ve started taking pelvic floor exercise much more serious!!