

I was hoping someone here might ba able to help. Has anyone had experience with painful cysts?

I was diagnosed with pcos 5 years ago, I did manage to naturally concieve my ds and he's nearly 2. Just before Christmas we decided to try for no2 so I came off the mini pill. I had withdrawal bleed straight away and then 30 days later I had a normal af. Then this month I had horrible pain for about a week when glow said I was fertile. It felt like I was being stabbed on my right ovary. This stopped but then on cd 28 I had more horrible pain but this time it was a really strong ache, almost like soenthing was twisting but still on my right ovary. Im on cd 32 now and have had af like cranps the past 2 days but no af.

The doctors have referred me to have a scan but i have no idea how long that could take. I was wondering if this sounded like it was a cyst? The doctor wasnt sure and said it could just be normal ovulation but i dont remember it ever being this painful (although it was quite a while ago)

Any stories would be helpful x