When is a good time for a second baby?

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It will work whenever the spacing. Mine are 7 years apart, I can’t imagine a juggling a younger child with an infant. But all the moms who have them close together say they can’t imagine it differently.There is no golden spacing. It all has its pros/cons.


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Whenever you want :) we will be trying again after babe turns 1yrs old.


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Mine are 18 months a part and I LOVE IT!


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It’s all personal preference


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My LO are 2.5 years apart. I love it and hate it. I felt terrible that I couldn't give my oldest the attention she wanted, but I love how close they are and will be. My youngest loves his big sister.


Courtnie • Feb 4, 2020
I thought I wanted them further apart, but in the end it was perfect how it worked out!


Allison • Feb 4, 2020
Whatever you family wants 🤷🏻‍♀️. I thought I wanted them close and it didn’t happen. My boys are 3 years apart and it’s perfect. My 3 year old loves his baby brother and the baby laughs and smiles Everytime he sees his big brother.


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So personally, age 3 was worse than “the terrible 2’s” so I couldn’t imagine what that would have been like, and now at 4 it’s hard too because like others say, nothing prepares you for how much attention is lost for the other child 🙁 and he’s in school, which drop off/pick up with an infant is a pain every day. I think there’s no right age, every family is different but I’ve seen one thing in common with everyone I know and have read - splitting attention is so unbelievably hard, and the guilt is even harder 😣 my point is, it’s hard either way so I think just pick whatever feels right 💖


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Mine are 14 months apart and I'm happy to he done being pregnant forever lol


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My son and this baby are both september baby they are a year apart. I got pregnant at 3 months pp.


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Im pregnant now, they will be 13 months apart lol


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I would love to start TTC when my baby turns 2 years. My husband thinks we should start when she turns 1. We’ll see who wins this one 😂