Could I have endometriosis

I am waiting to see a doctor for lower back pain. I have the following symptoms

- periods are usually between 30-40 days but I have missed them for two months a few times in the last few years

- constant severe lower back pain for a few weeks in various months

- not conceived in 3 years and had two failed <a href="">IVF</a> rounds

-always tired

- regular bloating and mild cramps and constipation

- pain around ovulation time including backache

- painful bowel movements now and then, sometimes to the point I get tears come out my eyes

- decreased sex drive but no pain during sex unless cervix is low and it’s uncomfortable

The fertility clinic have not done key hole surgery to see if I have endo because my periods aren’t heavy or long. When I was younger my periods used to be really painful but they aren’t too bad nowadays. I’m 29 now

What was other people’s symptoms and experiences please?