An itch and weird discharge!!!!!


Hello everyone,

I’ve had this weird itch for a few weeks now, and I’ve always had problems with my vaginal area, always had sensitive reaction to pads and everything,

But few weeks ago I noticed my skin is more sensitive than it’s normally is with an addition of an itch, I don’t live near to any gynecologist and a doctor appointment takes months,

So i just kept everything clean, I wash myself with warm water daily I don’t use any kind of creams or oils and only cotton panties,

After I had my period two weeks ago my itch really started to get real, I can barely use toilet paper on the area without it burning and all this week my discharge was very much brownish, and today I saw tiny red spots in it!!!!!

Anyone knows what this is? Any tips or help???

Thanks in advance 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

Ps: this itch started about a week or two after my last time having sex