Quick rant

Sorry yall, I have to rant to someone before I lose it. My mother has always been a bit overdramatic. My husband works night shift and I work days, so he normally gets home around 6 am. Not ideal for when the baby comes, but well figure it out. My mother has it in her head that my husband needs to be training for when the baby gets here by getting up earlier and being able to wake up and function with little to no sleep. Hes taking the dogs to the groomer this morning after hes had about 2 hours of sleep and he complained a little bit about it , but not much. I mentioned it casually in conversation and my mom goes on a rant about how I should be aware of this for the future and know he isn't going to help with the baby at all. Shes said this multiple times before and beat a dead horse over it, so I lost it on her over it... again. Was I wrong to get upset?