Proud mother; no matter what

My daughter being only 7 and having a genetic disorder; I could not be more proud. (Yes, i know i will get backlash for this.)

I get a phone call from her school while I'm working and let it go to voicemail. When I get the chance to listen to it, about 10 minutes later. It is her principle stating that my daughter got into an altercation with another student after school and that I need to he at the school at 1545 for a conference. I get to the school and see a girl holding an ice pack to her face and my daughter with her face in her hands. A few minutes later the other girls parent shows up.

We sat in the principal's office and apparently my daughter hit this other girl and was facing suspension. When I asked my daughter to tell me what happened in the principal's office she started to break down said "mommy she came up to me and pushed me and called me a short, stupid b word. I told her I didn't like that, to stop and she called me that again. I asked her to please stop again and she called me it again so I hit her." My daughter is on 41 in for being 7 and weights only 32 pounds. She doesnt like being called anything related to the term short; it upsets her. My husband and i have told her its okay she is short she is just a late bloomer. But she still doesnt like it.

So I became upset with both kids, the one for bullying and my daughter for taking the "fight" route. The other girls mom became pissed and said she would press charges on my daughter. I calmly looked at her and stated "okay, go ahead but know that I will contact my attorneys about your child and verbal abuse. I also know your kid has a rap sheet for here at school." She became tight lipped. I only knew this because I volunteer at my kids school. I took her that my attorney would possibly get other parents and their kids who were victims to her daughters bullying. She didnt like that idea too much, I'm sure because she stayed shut up.

I then asked the principal if my daughter was going to get suspended. She stated since my daughter has never been in any trouble at her school. she would only receive iss, while the other child got oss. I then took my leave.

On our way home I decided to pull over on the side of the road and give my daughter a hug. For one because she was still upset and two to tell her I'm proud of her. I did explain to her next time if theres an adult near by just tell them she said okay mommy.

I'm not one to promote violence, but being a victim myself I knew exactly why my daughter reacted the way she did. Her father and I always have taught our kids to stand up for themselves, with words, and certain self defense moves. In a way just glad she didnt exactly fall into a victim status.