I feel like a faillure!

I had my twins a month ago at 36 weeks. The plan was to breastfeed them at least until they are 6 months. The first couple days at the hospital my milk didn’t come in, so they gave them formula. They gave me 4 small cases of ready to use formula to take home. Which I continue to give them while pumping to get milk in. Once my milk start coming, I try to give it to them. They were not latching on, they would cry and I would end up give them the bottle formula. I started pumping and give them the breast milk in bottle. However, my husband went back to work, and I haven’t been able to pump that often because I’m always so tired. I’m the one taking care of them all day all night. When they are sleeping that’s when I take my naps. I ending up giving them formula most of the time. Now my milk is drying up, and I can barely pumped 2 oz at a session. So I just mixed the little I pumped with their formula. It’s really frustrating, my breast hurt from trying to pump. I decided I’m just gonna give them formula exclusively. That was not the plan, but that’s what seem to work.😭😭