Confused and hoping this is real 🙏🏻

I am struggling with infertility issues for over 6 years already and when I went to the specialist without further test the doctor told me that I couldn’t get pregnant that my only hope was using the eggs of a donor to be able to conceive 🥺. To be honest my biggest wish is to become a mother one way or another but I wanted to try first if with my own eggs can be possible. I got so disappointed with the doctors opinions, I don’t know if it was because of my denial for being going through a situation like that of because I felt so deep that I will be able

To get pregnant just that it will happen in the right time or when god think was the time for me .

I am the must irregular person in the world, therefore every time I am late with my period I take a pregnancy test, always hoping that one day it will be positive. And suddenly I take a test like 3 days before my period was supposed to start and without waiting the 3 full minutes for the result to show up I throw the test into the garbage 🗑 facing down. Few hours later before going to bed I went to the bathroom and there was the test so I took it back and 💥 the line of a positive there was ! 😱 I didn’t understand what was happening. I bought like 6 more test and some were positive and some negative ☹️. I don’t know if this has happened to anyone else before I just hope and pray that it is real and that my time to become a mommy has arrived 🙏🏻.