Feeling a little irritated

Bee • My greatest blessing and creation is my family

So I’m in my 3rd trimester and as of lately things have been really uncomfortable and painful for me . Now I know that the 3rd trimester is known to be uncomfortable but nothing has been working for me as far as yoga , stretching , warm soaks and belly bands. Just some background I have what some people would consider a tiny frame Im 5 feet even and started out my pregnancy only weighing about 105 lbs. I told my doctor this today ( 1 out of the 5 I see ) and she looked at me and kind of rolled her eyes and told me all I’ve brought up to her were normal 3rd trimester aches and pains . Mind you this is her first time seeing me . So I asked for her to shorten my work hours anyways because my job entails a lot of walking around I’m active duty military and I work in a hospital I rarely have time to sit down. She proceeded to have an attitude but wrote the note anyways and then when she went to measure my stomach she had the nerve to be surprised that I was measuring bigger than expected . “ most tiny women like you don’t measure where they’re supposed to be let alone ahead of where they should be “ . I tried my hardest not to make a face or roll my eyes at her . And to make things kind of worse I have to see her at my next appt because my two favorite doctors are both out on vacation that week . I don’t know if I’m overreacting but I felt like she didn’t care like my other doctors have .