First cycle BBT

T 🧜🏼‍♀️ • Married to my wonderful husband 16years together 💍 ♾ mummy to 3 daughters TTC #4 🤞

One picture is glow says I'm- 6dpo

The other picture is pre-mom says I'm 11dpo... all very confusing my cycle usually last on average 31days so AF due 12th feb but pre-mom says 7th it changed when my temps did...I've not been using opks just temping at 6.30am every morning.

Thermometer question- when I switch it on shows my previous temp but then also shows another, which non of my temps have been.. has another else experienced this???

I switch on my thermometer and it shows today's temp 97.75 then shows 98.59 the flashes LO which I know means is ready to use (so confusing)