Ruptured cyst


Haven't been in to see a doc yet... But I need to talk to women with experience.

What symptoms do y'all have for cysts?

how do y'all know when they rupture?

I been having dull pinch twinges right by/above my left thigh. My periods have stayed regular and came last week. 3 days long as usual.

Yesterday a couple super tiny spots. But

Tonight I'm standing at work, and I got *'that feeling'* that you get on your period when you're leaking. (But my period ended 4-5 days ago and I have never in my life had spotting after my period until a couple years ago, but barely noticeable and not even every time.)

So finish my client and go to the bathroom, and it was a tiiny pool in my panties and wiping was like WTF is my period back?

But it was weird because it was like watery blood, then.... creamy? blood, then brown, then red again... Thin... Now gone again.

I haven't had any pain.. My periods come regularly on sched. and 3 days long. Rarely have cramps... Has anyone experienced this?