Extreme clinginess??

Please refrain from "enjoy these precious moments :)" comments because that's not why I'm posting. I love being a mother and I love my baby and I don't need people reminding me things I already know.

My LO turned 4 months today, is breastfed, and has gotten a bottle every week-2 weeks since he was about 8 weeks old. For the last week or so, he hasn't let ANYBODY else do ANYTHING with him but me. He won't play with anybody, won't let anybody else hold him. His father used to be able to play with him in the other room on his days off while I got things around the house done. (Or even sometimes.....napped!!) He fed him a bottle last week, no trouble at all, but today he completely refused. Screamed bloody murder, pushed the bottle away every time it was offered, and finally calmed down after presenting him my boob. I'm about to lose my damn mind. He was sleeping great in his crib, waking once, every now and again twice, to nurse. Sometimes my bf could even rock him back to sleep without me nursing. Now he's up every 1-2 hours, wakes SCREAMING inconsolably while I change his diaper, and only calms down when nursing. Yes, he is teething. Yes, he's in his 4th leap. But how.....does one.....survive? My under eye bags are so bad I look like I lost a fight. I can't even step outside for a breath because he screams and screams and leaves my ears ringing. I've gotten dizzy from how high-pitched his wails are. He goes from 0 to 100000 in a second. Even if fed, clean diaper, not tired. I am the only one who can console him. And I do. But I'm running on empty and if I don't do something for my mental health I'm going to lose it