Had my twins at 27w5d, and the decision possibly saved one of their lives.


I posed this in the twins group, but I wanted to share it here, too!

Here’s the story of the last 24 hours of my life. I felt crappy all day yesterday, and last night, I thought I was having intense gas pain. I decided to call my OB’s after hours number to ask what to do. They recommended that I come in because if I was worried enough to call, I should be seen. I told the nurses that I was going to be super embarrassed if they wound up telling me that it was, in fact, gas pain, but something told me I really needed to come in. Immediately, as soon as I was admitted, I started having contractions. After many, many, many grueling hours of tests, contractions every 1-3 minutes, very quick dilation, and uncertainty, they discovered that I had a horrible infection. It actually had affected baby A’s amniotic fluid, so they said both babies would be safer outside than staying put. In about a 5 minute time period, they prepared me for my repeat csection and wheeled me quickly into the OR. They didn’t even have time to give me a spinal, so they gave me something that knocked me out. When I woke up post surgery, they told me that the decision likely saved baby A’s life.

I’m so thankful that I listened to my instincts and called the OB’s office. I’m saddened that we’re looking at a month+ in the NICU for the babies, but they’re healthy and getting stronger.

Thanks for listening to my story! 💕