HSG test

How does someone go about scheduling this test to be done? Do you initially go through an OBGYN or is it through a fertility clinic?

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How long after the procedure did you ovulate? I’m reading where it happens a few days afterwards which wouldn’t make sense as you just ended your period. I know everyone’s different but I don’t want to miss that window. I only have 1 tube now so I am hoping this works 🤞🏼


Br • Feb 7, 2020
I am told to call as soon as my period ends to schedule to come in. Reading all kinds of things like it is painful and what not. I hope it goes okay


Rachel • Feb 7, 2020
Ovulation will depend on where you are in your cycle. HSG does not cause ovulation. I did not get pregnant after, and I did not have any blockage to begin with.


Br • Feb 5, 2020
I’ve read great things. Just trying to stay positive


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The fertility clinic ordered mine.


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My OBGYN ordered mine for me.