Implantation bleeding?

Wondering if someone could shed some light on this.

None of my past pregnancies have come with implantation bleeding. During this cycle, I ovulated much later than usual so my predicted period was pushed back. Right now, I’m 10-11 DPO and I’ve had tiny specs of blood now for two days. This usually never ever happens to me so of course I run out and buy a FRER and it’s negative.

If this is implantation bleeding since I am on the usual days that it occurs (10-14 DPO)... has anyone gotten a positive test after 2-3 days?

I have no cramps or any real sign of my period coming. Usually I have terrible cramps a few days before! Does your period usually push itself a week if you ovulate later?

Help a girl out because I am going crazzzzzzzzy

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