Disturbing behavior

So a bit of a back story. My two year old has always been the aggressive sort. Always very strong willed and opinionated as well. And given how gentle my other children are I do not understand where this has come from.

But she's settled down a lot since about 18 months old. Much more loving and compassionate and she's always such a good mommy to her babies and animals and tells me they are happy or sad and if they are sad she hugs and kisses them and says shhh shhh baby it be ok!

So I'm sure you can understand that I come in to her room one day to find her favorite toy that she NEEDS at bed time or any time she naps. Void of all its legs and its antenna (its her special buggy we have loads of them to replace it in case one gets lost or something)

I thought this was an isolated incident and she seemed so sad she had done it so I gave her a new one.

I came in to bed room today to find her brand new buggy in nearly the same condition...(this one only lost all his legs. 😭

She's always loved her buggies and I don't know why all of a sudden she's started "hurting" them

If any one has an ideas on how I can help her I'm all ears. Serious answers only please.