Did you know you release fetal dNa into your bloodstream when you go into labor?

🤰 Do you know how a woman goes into labor?

The placenta starts to break down and it releases human fetal (her baby) DNA 🧬 into moms bloodstream.

This triggers an immune response. Her body has recognized an antigen (foreign body) in her system and makes antibodies to seek out & destroy the foreign invader. This process starts labor & expells the baby (Birth).

How much fetal DNA triggers labor?

-0.22 to 3.12 nanograms per mL. In every 1/2 liter of moms blood.

Did you know that the same amount and up to 4 nanograms per mL of fetal DNA is found in 1 💉 vacc? The chickenpox vacc for example.

🧬 So how much fetal DNA is considered to be safe for injection?

-Originally scientists agreed 100 picograms/mL but it has since increased 2 times and is now 10 Nanograms/mL.

Here is the take home point...

What is safe?

The meaning of the word SAFE varies and can be manipulated.

If you asked me 10 or 20 years ago I’d give you a different definition of this word than today. I’d tell you that any amount of fetal DNA found in Vac today is not only unsafe but could cause serious reactions, illness, and death. Why? Because it was scientifically proven to do so.

Today safe means that if you follow the schedule, you can rest assured that between all vac that day, the human fetal DNA fragment amount added will come to a total of less than 10ng/mL.

Convenient & Coincidental? 🤔

You need to ask yourself , Is this truly safe? Why was this not safe prior to the last update? Research.

Today in 2019 we are intentionally giving babies & children, at times more than 3.5x the amount of the same antigen that triggers labor in a mature woman. Human Fetal DNA Fragments.

Injecting this into a human & even more specifically a baby or child under the age of 5 with impaired cellular methylation is shown to trigger massive inflammatory responses & autoimmune disease. (Also consider the vaccines that pregnant women are receiving... TDAP & Flu.. could possibly cause miscarriages/preterm labor or other serious complications. Our fetal death rate continues to rise.)

📚Do you believe vacc containing Human Fetal DNA to be truly “Safe”?

And do you consider the use of fetal dna from aborted babies to be moral and ethical?
