Idk what's wrong with me but it's not Ok at all

Last night I was making some food and my boyfriend was helping me.

My period is in a couple days, Im anemic (iron pills off and on for 8yrs now, currently off bc I can't afford them) and I have anxiety so bad the doctor thinks there's something wrong with my heart but they're not sure what exactly.

I was washing a dish and my stomach was cramping so bad, and then I got super faint and light headed.

I told my boyfriend I could barely stand and wasn't feeling well and he told me to go to the room and he'd finish up

As soon as he put his arm around me my vision went completely black, I got so wobbly I almost fell over, and he had to help me walk to the room.

I was in such bad shape that I couldn't walk without almost falling backwards, everything was so dark I was bumping into the wall and everything just felt like a daze. He opened the bedroom door and I could just barely see outlines of things bc the light was on and I couldn't fully see again until I laid down and took a few breaths.

He came back with our food and I was feeling a little better (really hot and shaky but I wasn't blind anymore lol)

Anyway I was terrified and I know he was confused but idk why it happened.

Also this kind of thing happens on occasion but I've never gone completely blind for so long like that and usually I can sit down and let it pass or force myself to power thru and finish what I'm doing at least without making a scene, but I couldn't this time and now I'm kind of embarrassed.

I just wish I knew why it happens cause Id try to get iron pills again if I thought it would help but I just don't think that low iron cause all that? I could be wrong.

*I also have high blood pressure issues occasionally*

We don't eat much during the day but we ate more yesterday than usual so I don't think it was that either (my dad had diabetes and I can feel my blood sugar drop sometimes but I don't have diabetes)

Just some back story in case it's relevant but idk if that's actually the problem either.

Idk what kind of health problems you can have that would make you almost pass out and completely lose your vision though

I don't have insurance or money to see a doctor, I couldn't even afford a payment plan right now, my situation is pretty bad tbh