Which is easier?


I’m very aware death in any way is not easy but lack of a better word which one do you think would be easier to deal with? Losing a loved one by surprise (murder, car accident, etc) or losing a loved one knowing it’s coming (such as cancer for a while, another illness).

I lost my mom June 2017 by a car accident. (Died an hour after accident, so no one knew it was a surprise)

My boyfriend lost his dad October 2018 in a murder (unclear of death) he actually died in August but no one knew he would disappear a lot. (So by surprise)

My boyfriend also lost his grandma (feb. 2019). By brain cancer. She was diagnosed in October 18 so it was known it was coming but still kinda fast.

My dad was also shot in October 2018 but luckily he made it but was in a coma for a month so I thought I lost him tragically.

I don’t think anything is easy just to say it again, but I’m just curious what everyone thinks on which is easier to go through. Not sure if this is controversial either so if it’s not please let me know!

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