No way my doctor can question this.

Sarah • 30 | Mama Bear *CURRENTLY EXPECTING* , 2 Cubs, 4 Losses, Trying for #3

They told me yesterday their test was negative. I just got this.. along with more pink double-lines. I will be calling tomorrow to tell them what’s up.

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Posted at
Their tests usually aren’t very sensitive, so I’m sure if you go in Again they’ll have a positive too.


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Posted at
They often consider under 5mui negative in bloods. So if your bloods were taken say a week ago and wer under 5, and you took these tests today your levels are probably 500 or so now.


Sarah • Feb 7, 2020
So I had blood drawn on a Tuesday and also got this on Tuesday. They considered my urine test Tuesday negative which is why they drew blood same day and made me do it again Yesterday.


Posted at
They have shitty tests, I wouldn’t worry too much about it. Congrats!