WIC dilemma


Where I’m at the baggers work for tips and that’s great and I always tip if I go through their line instead of self checkout. My dilemma is... would you tip the baggers if you have just 1 WIC check with 3 items on it? I feel bad not tipping but in the same sense I’m on wic for a reason and it’s literally 3 items one of which is a gallon of milk and they can’t bag it! I would go through self checkout if I could but they don’t do wic there and they do have a self bag lane but 90% of the time they tell me to go to another line because they want to keep a good flow of people going through theirs... I hate being on wic and I can’t wait to go to the card instead of the checks it’s so damn embarrassing and everyone treats you like complete shit.

Also please no judgement about me being on wic I don’t want to hear it. Great for you if you’re not on it. My doctor pretty much pushed me into the wic office. She gave me a paper stating I was pregnant so I could get on it easier like she was writing me a prescription.