Anyone else not know Estimated due dates?

Taylor • Married💍12/17💜10/20💙

My cycles run anywhere from 30 days to 54 days, I was due for AF (according to the many apps I have) on Jan. 20. It didn’t come, I tested and got a very clear negative. I just assumed I had ovulated later because I had a few days of EWCM the 13th-16th.

I tested again on the 30th, 31st, and 1st when AF still didn’t show and got a positive each time! So I am assuming my EDD is anywhere from September 25th to October 7th 😅 The one month I wasn’t using OPKs was my month apparently lol

I have my confirmation appointment next week, but if they’re anything like the office I went to for my first born, I will probably not be receiving and ultrasound for a few more weeks.