
Shania • Married to a King 👑 3/24/2016 Mommy to a Prince 👑 4/7/2017 Mommy to a Princess 👑 4/6/2020

After my miscarriage back in April I keep having dreams of me bleeding and clotting. When I found out I was pregnant after the miscarriage I had dreams of me miscarrying. After I hit 20 weeks I had dreams of clotting alot and bleeding and then having a stillborn. I am 31 weeks pregnant now and I have been having the clotting and these are big clots i have seen in my dream. Half the time the dream goes as far as a nurse telling me I lost my baby but this time my dream didnt end that way. I woke up with me holding all the clots and questioning what the hell is going on. Has one anyone else had these dreams before?