Baby Brain is the WORST - Share Your Stories!


Y’all... I just outed myself to my husband about a surprise I was plotting for him with my bestie.


I didn’t want to find out gender, but he really REALLY wants to know.. so I decided to plan a surprise for him, and I’ve been texting my bestie all day plotting.

Well.. y’all...

I just sent my damn husband the following text:

“Not going to tell anyone else about the little scheme I cooked up.. depending on how he opens the little surprise, I may not tell anyone we found out lol”

So it looks like no surprise for him.

Baby brain is the worst.

I’ve ruined the surprise.

And wasted time and money plotting it.

Pls pray for me, as I’m sure I will try to put my top on as pants and head out into the wild one day soon 😭