Please help

I’ve had a few faint positive pregnancy test but I started bleeding heavily and just like my period and had painful cramps the first day and I thought it was my period it wasn’t exactly heavy for my normal flow but it was way to heavy to be anything pregnancy related But it’s been a few days since the bleeding started and now it’s just on and off but my normal period would still be going on right now for a few more days I just took a pregnancy test with first response and it’s a faint line idk what is happening with my body and I’m scared I’m only 17 and I can’t exactly tell my mom so I can get checked out so idk what to do please don’t bash me am I just having a early miscarriage? Also my period or the bleeding started 2 days ago my original period date was the 8th it started 4days early and I’m never early I’m always on time or a day or two late