I’m freaking out!!


So a little back story first:

I am 4 months postpartum with my little boy. This was our planned last baby. I had my tubes removed because like I said, we decided no more babies (mommy to 3 boys).

Ok now for the question: is it even possible for me to be pregnant again? I have been pregnant twice (have a 12 year old bonus son) and both times I just knew it. Like I know my body that well that I just knew I was pregnant. I woke up a few nights ago and had the craziest feeling I was. Not to mention I was up going to the restroom about 10 times that night. I haven’t missed my period just yet, but it’s just crazy. Tube removal gives us literally a <1% chance of this happening. My husband is freaking out too, but I had to tell someone. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️