Peaking 3 times?¿

I had my first LH peak on the 31st! BBT dropped, had the EWCM as well.

Kept testing turned negative during the next 24 hours.

So on CD13 I started getting LH surges, which I know can happen anytime in your cycle so I just brushed it off. But at 11pm that night I got a peak?? (Line is darker than control line)

First pic is the one I took right now at 12pm, CD15 (it looks distorted because of the flash) It went back down a little then back up, then back down, and now it’s back up! What’s going on??? **i don’t have PCOS, I have a son who we conceived in 4 months so didn’t have problems there, but ovulated early when TTC the first time as well so CD8 for an LH peak is normal for me)**

AF is due between 14th-16th.

I have no idea what to go by anymore, if I go by the 31st I’d be 6DPO. Ever since first “ovulation” I’ve had A LOT of very watery/creamy CM literally pour out of me, sorry for the TMI lol