Another failed frozen embryo transfer



Well beta officially came back today. Second failed FET with hatched pgs normal perfect embryo. I'm devastated. I cant believe this is happening again. I cant believe the time I've lost. And the money. I might as well be lighting money on fire; at least I wouldn't have to stab myself in the a%? every day. All this money just feels like I'm being fined for being heartbroken. Not only has all of this effort not resulted in a single positive test, I also have no answers. They all say we're in perfect health and theres no reason we should even need any help conceiving. Every failed treatment cycle is explained to me as being maybe just a fluke, just bad luck. Across 3 doctors in 2 clinics. How unlucky could I possibly be? It feels like no one can help me and nothing ever changes.

And now off to try to keep it together so I can give my husband a glimmer of a happy birthday today. Just awful.

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Posted at
Sorry to hear that. Given your embryos have been PGS tested but failed to implant, I would look into further testing if it hasn't already been done like ERA, blood clotting/antibody factors or even laproscopy if indicated to rule out endo? Good luck 🍀


Posted at
I’m so sorry. If you’re able, definitely ask for ERA which checks the uterine lining to ensure it’s receptive. It’s generally recommended after 2 failed fets. I know this doesn’t ease the pain but it can provide answers for why the transfers failed. 💗


Posted at
Please don’t lose hope! I had 2 failed FETs with 3 embryos and felt utterly defeated. I did ERA testing and found out my lining wasn’t receptive at the time of transfer and I needed an additional 24 hours of progesterone. I had my 3rd transfer (on day 7) with two embryos and one of them stuck and I am currently watching my 3mo old daughter sleep. IVF is so so hard. If you haven’t done ERA testing, do it! It was what made all the difference and I wished I had done it sooner before wasting my 3 best embryos. So much money and heartbreak. I am praying for you 🙏🏽


Posted at
Did you ever have a successful transfer after this or get answers?


D • Dec 18, 2021
Good luck! It's such a hard journey. Wishing you tons of baby dust.


Ni • Dec 16, 2021
Wow you have been through a lot, but so happy that you got your miracle baby! Thank you for responding, I’m trying to mentally prepare if my next FET is unsuccessful.


D • Dec 16, 2021
Also I didn't get any definitive answers. Every test (except for the endo lap) came back totally normal for my husband and I. Doc said that there's obviously something stopping it from happening but the science isn't there yet to figure it out.


Posted at
My first FET with a hatched PGS tested also just failed 😔 Beta is on Monday, day 12th after the transfer, tested every day on very sensitive tests and nothing, day 10th today 🥺 I am also seeking for answers whyyy... I am 29 and was so hoping that first transfer will take.💔


Posted at
I’m so so very sorry, I just had a failed FET last October and a D&c, I can totally relate. Did they ever do any further testing on you after the failed FET? Any reason as to why it failed? ERA? Abnormal embryo? How is your Amh? Etc. mine were not PGS tested, and we sent out that embryo for testing and unfortunately mine was abnormal. I have another FET on Valentine’s Day and I’m excited but at the same time I’m a little worried. (Since a previous fail) I hope you find comfort, and prayers your way. 💕


Posted at
I am so sorry you are going through this. As a fellow IVF patient, I understand the time, money and waiting game that you have to endure just to get a positive test result. I wish the doctor’s had answers for you 💔🙏🏾


D • Feb 7, 2020
Thank you so much. Yeah the whole process is just gut wrenching. I hope you have better luck