Day5 Embryo after transfer

🌠 Nirmi 🌠 • 4 IUI ❌. 1st IVF cancelled. 2nd IVF ➡️ retreival + fresh transfer ➕ ➡️ anembryonic pregnancy. 3rd IVF retreival ➡️ 0 Blasts

Since I am 4dp5dt and I am testing.. thinking , worrying, researching amd reading.

I came across this cool link that talks about what's happening to a day5 embryo after the transfer from transfer day till 9dp5dt. .. with illustrations ..

i felt i should share the link as a lot of us going through <a href="">ivf</a> , FET and in the 2WW

Enjoy and know what your embryo is doing each day of the 2WW ..