miserably sick!!!!!


moms help 😭😭 I have been fighting a cold for weeks and weeks now. I went to my primary and he said I had some sinus inflammation and fluid in my ears but nothing he wanted to treat with antibiotics, just try and drain everything naturally stay hydrated rest a ton and take OTC meds if needed.

fast forward to this past week.... my husband gets a NASTY upper respiratory infection last Sunday and has been miserable all week. we slept separate and I tried my best not to get what he has. sure enough......

saw my OB yesterday (Friday) and she said my throat looks nasty, she didn’t love the way my lungs sounded, and that my sinuses looked “angry” (her words not mine lol) well, yep, I am officially miserable. she did put me on a Z pack as a last resort, but what else can I be doing to kick this? I seriously have not felt this miserable in forever. & this cough 😭😫 my chest and abs are on FIRE. what else can help? let’s just add onto all of this that my insomnia has been getting me up between 3-4 every morning and so I’m up like 16/18 hrs a day and definitely not sleeping enough. thank you if you’ve gotten this far!!!!!